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1860 Pleasant Township Mortality Schedule

[These were transcribed from the original sheets filled out by the enumerator. Some of the names are a guestimate. Thanks to Garnet Barton for transcribing these records.]

SCHEDULE 3.-Persons who Dies during the year ending 1st June, 1860, in Pleasant Township in the county of Madison, State of Ohio, enumerated by me, Amos Louvell Ass't Marshal.

  1. NAME OF EVERY PERSON WHO DIED during the year ending 1st June, 1860, whose usual place at the time of death was in this family.
  2. Age.
  3. Sex.
  4. Color. White, black or mulatto.
  5. Free or Slave.
  6. Married or Widowed.
  7. PLACE OF BIRTH, Naming the State, Territory, or Country.
  8. THE MONTH in which the person died.
1 Infant 1 day F       Ohio June   Still born 0
2 May O'Day 45 F     M Delaware July   disease of the heart 0
3 John O'Day 48 M     M Delaware July Farmer Insanity 14 months
4 Maryann Cook 18 F       Ohio August   Inflamation Brain 3 weeks
5 Infant 1 day F       Ohio Oct   Stillborn 0
6 Jacob Lane 1 m M       Ohio Oct   Brain Fever 5 days
7 May Alkire 5 m F       Ohio Oct   Unknown 111 days
8 John Reeves 28 M       Ohio Oct Clerk Consumption 1 year
9 Josiah Thomas 55 M     M Ohio Nove Farmer Consumption 1 month
10 Alexander Douglass 52 M     M Ohio Feby Farmer Consumption 3 years
11 Infant 0 F       Ohio March   Stillborn 0
12 Mary Timmons 4 m F       Ohio May   Unknown 10 days
13 W.K. Rowe 28 M       Ohio May Farmer Unknown 7 days

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