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London Advertising Business Directory

From Atlas of Madison County, J.A. Caldwell [Condit, Ohio: 1875]

N. Thomas, County Auditor
A.A. Hume, Clerk of Madison Com. Pleas Court
H. T. Strawbridge, County Treasurer
J.H. Kennedy, Probate Judge
Leonard Eastman, Recorder
E.R. Florence, Sheriff


Daniel Boyd, County Commissioner
James Lilly, County Commissioner
Benj. Harrison, County Commissioner


S. W. Durflinger, Prosecuting Attorney
Harrison & Marsh, Attorneys at Law
Wilson & Durflinger, Attorneys at Law
George Lincoln, Attorney at Law
H.M. Smith, Attorney at Law
McCloud & Burnham, Attorneys at Law
J.T. Chatman, Attorney at Law
B.H. Lewis, Attorney at Law
John F. Locke, Attorney at Law


Toland Jones, Physician and Surgeon.
A.H. Underwood, Physician and Surgeon.
J.P. Leavell, Physician and Surgeon.
Wm. D. Williams, Physician and Surgeon.
D.A. Morse, Physician and Surgeon


Wm. H. Carter, Dental Surgeon.


McKennon & Watts, Manufacturers and Dealers in Saddles and Harness, Trunks, robes, Whips &c., Repairing promptly done, Main St.


S.J. Hubbard, Cashier, Madison County Bank. This Bank makes Loans, receives Depoits, Buys and Sells Gold and Silver, Government Bonds and Exchanges, Sight Drafts, payable in Gold in England, France, Spain, Germany, or any part of the Old Country. Strict attention given to Collections and remitted for promptly when paid. Cashier Madison National Bank
Madison National Bank. Capital paid in $120,000.00. Offers unusual facilities for hte transaction of Legitimate Banking Business. Deals in Exchanges, gold, Silver and Government Securities. J.Q. Menshall, Prest. Harford Toland, Cashier.
London Exchange Bank. Individual Liability. This Bank makes Lonas, receives Deposits, Buys and Sells Gold, Silver, Exchange, Government Bonds and other Securities, and makes Collections on all parts. Robert Boyd, President, Wyatt Menshall, Cashier.


Geo. E. Ross, Proprietor London Times.
N.L. Bryan, Proprietor Democrat.
John Wallace, Proprietor London Enterprise


Gardener & Myers, Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Notions, Hosiery, Trimmings and White Goods, &c., Union Block, Main st.

James Dwyer, Dealer in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, also Clothing for Men and Boys' Wear, Main st., opposite the Madison Nat. Bank.

John Kinney, Established 1860, Dealer in Black and Colored Gross Grain Silks, Irish Poplins, Black and Colored Alapacas, Black Cashmeres, Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, White Goods, Table Linens, Napkins, &c. Also Laces, Lace Points, Jacksets, Cloaks and Cloakings, Shawls, furs, Gloves, Hosiery and Notions, Full Line of Cloths, and Cassimeres, Gents', Ladies', and Children's Underwear, also Full Line of Carpets, Mattings, Rugs, Oil Cloths, Lace Curtains, and House Furnishing Goods, Prices always the lowest, Main st.


O.J. Greenleaf, Livery and Sale Stable. Fine Roadster Horses on hand and for sale, also Conveyances for Commercial Men made a specialty. Main st. near the Railroad.

Lohr & Son, Livery, Sale and Feed Stables. First-class Livery furnished at all times, day and night. Horse Feeding and Boarding made a specialty. Corner of Oak and Fourth sts.


D. Clark, Proprietor of London Woolen Mills. Manufacturer Cloths, Satinets, Jeans, Blankets, Yarns and all kinds of Flannels. Market Price Paid for Wool in exchange for Goods.


W.H. Chandler & Co., "City Book Store." Dealers in School Books, Blank Books, Paper, Envelopes, Pens, Ink, Stationery and School Supplies. Full Stock of Wall Paper, Window Shades, also Fine Assortment of Pictures, Frames and Brackets, Sheet Music, Musical Merchandise, Gold Pens, Albums, Toilet Articles and Pocket Books, &c. Pictures Framed to Order, Main st.

Geo. W. Creath, "Book Store." Book Store and News Dealer, keeps constantly on hand full Supply of School Furnishing Goods, also Gold Pens, Albums, Jewelry, &c. Choice Brands of Foreign and Domestic Cigars, Post Office Building, Morn st.


Turner & Turner, Dealers in Fresh and Salt Meats, Tongue, Ham, Tripe and Lard, also all kinds of Vegetables in their Season, High st.


H.W. Mitchel, Fashionable Shaving Saloon, See st. two doors West Main.

Leroy Cane, Fancy Hair Dressing and Shaving Saloon, Toland Block, Main St.


Jacob Bescher, Restaurant and Saloon. Springfield Lager, Wines, Liquors, Cigars and Tobaccos of Choice Brands, Main st.

S.E. Freeman, Restaurant and Saloon.

James Bindon, Grocery and Eating House, near cor. of First and Main sts.

Emile Weber, "Weber's Restaurant." Meals at all hours. Game, Fruit and Vegetables in their Season, Cincinnati Lager, Wine and Liquors, Cigars and Tobaccos of the Finest Brands, Main st. near the Railroad


A. Dunkin, Proprietor of the Madison House.


J.F. & W.H.H. Morgan, Dealers in Rough and Dressed Lumber, Flooring, Siding, Plastering, Lath and Shingles, also Dealers in Doors, Sash and blinds, Terms Cash. Office and Yard on West High st., opposite Flouring Mill

John Dungan & Son, Dealers in Furniture, Queensware, China and Glassware, Lamps; also Full Assortment of Wall Paper, &c. Main st.

Davidson & Son, Dealers in Ready-made Furniture of every description, Main st.


Geo. H. Rowland, Contractor and Builder. Particular attnetion paid to Stair Building in all of its branches, Plans and Specifications carefully Drawn on short notice.

Willard S. Stow, Carpenter and Joiner.

J.T. Kennedy, Carpenter and Joiner. Residence on Cherry St.,br>
Raybur & Holt, Carpenters and Contractors. All kind of Repairing and Job Work promptly done.

James Coultas, Carpenter and Joiner. Attended to promptly.

Nelson Baker, Carpenter and Joiner.


J.G. Dungan, "Dungan Tobacco Works." Manufacturer of Choice Brands of Cigars, from Havana and Connecticut Seed, Leaf Tobaccos at Wholesale and Retail. Also Fine Assortment of Chewing and Plug Tobaccos, Pipes, &c.


B.T. Graham, Manufacturer of Hayworth's Self-Check Row Planters. Check Row Attachment for one and two Horse Planters. The Buckle and Bowman Planters, Dickie Drill. Office and Factory near the R.R. Crossing on High st.


C.L. Strohmenger, Dealer in Foreign and American Sheet Music, Pianos, Organs, &c. Residence, North Water st.


Wm. Farrar, Dealer in Grain and Wool.

C. Stewart, Dealer in Agricultural Implements of every description. Ware Room and Office, South Main.


O.L. Boisal, Dealer in Clocks, Watches and Jewelry, Repairing of all kinds done neatly and promptly.


Peter Weber, "London Brewery." Manufacturer of Common and Lager Beer, Center st. Family Grocery and Bakery on Main.


J.W. Curd, General Insurance Agent for Etna of Hartford, Home of New York, and Home of Columbus.

G.W. Athey, Real Estate Agent, North Main st.


B. Blake, Gun Smith, Repairing of all kinds promptly done, South Main.


J. Swetland, Residence on Jefferson st.

Thos. Wood, Residence on Center, between Wood and Cherry sts.

W.H. Chandler, Residence on Elm.

Wm. Riddle, Residence on Elm

John Dungan, North Main

D.D. Davisson, Residence, cor. Wartes and Willis ave.

Rev. C.W. Finley, Residence on South Main.

W.A. Neil, Residence on South Main.

Charles Butler, Residence on First st., between Walnut and Main.

S.C. Tenney, Residence on North Main.

W.S. Squirus, Residence on West End of First St.

Sam. Sidner, Vice Presidence [sic] National Bank. Residence on North Main.

I.F. Willis, Residence on West High.

James W. Warner.

James S. Crain, Post Master, Residence on Oak st.

J.E. Kennelly, Ticket Agent, L.M.R.R.

R.B. Cowling, Residence on Jefferson st.

Harford Toland, Residence on Union and First.


J. Arnett, County Surveyor and Engineer.


Robt. Boyd, President Exchange Bank.

B.J. Custer, Residence on North Main.


D.L. Harbaugh, Dealer in Boots and Shoes, and Rubbers, Winchester Building, Main st.

E.R. Ebner, Dealer in Boots and Shoes of every variety made ot order, and of the best material and Workmanship. High st., London, O.

Henry Eppert, Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, where hte best Work can be had at all times, Main st.

Clark, Bros. & co., Dealers in Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps and Repariing neatly and promptly done, Clark's Block, Main st.

T.J. Bolds, Dealer in Boots and Shoes and Rubbers of the very best quality, and the lowest prices for Cash, Main st.

Waldo & Gilliland, Dealers in Boots and Shoes, rubbers, Hats, Caps and Gloves, Toland Block, Main st.


Dungan & Cowling, Dealers in Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, Agricultural Implements, Pumps, &c., and Manufacturers of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware, No. 9 Main St.

Phil. Speasmaker, Dealer in Hardware, Stoves, Agricultural Implements, Mechanics' Tools, &c. Manufacturer of Tin, Copper, Iron Ware, also Roofing, Spouting, Job Work and Repairing done to order. No. 26 Main st.


M. Riley, Dealer in Grain, Flour, Groceries and Bourbon Whiskies, &c. We pay the highest Market Price for all kinds of Grain, Warehouse on the Short Line Rail Road. Store, cor. of Main and First.

S.H. Cartzdafner, Dealer in Choice Family Groceries and Provisions, best Brands of Family Flour, Smoked Ham and Bacon, Salt Fish, &c. Highest Market Price paid ofr country Produce of all kinds, Main st.

I.G. Peetrey, Dealer in Groceries and Provisions, Warner's Block, Main st.

A.J. Brown, Dealer in Groceries and Fruit and Vegetables in their Season, South Main.


Samuel Cenhart, Manufacturer and Dealer in Carriages, Buggies. Repairing neatly done, and all Work warranted. Please call and examine. Oak st.

R. Acton, London Carriage Company. Manufacturers of Carriages, Buggies, Spring Wagons, Repairing done to order on short notice, all Work warranted. Our Work is all put up by Experienced Workmen in the latest style of finihs, of carefully and selected and thoroughly Seasoned Timber, Shops in rear of Phifer House, High st. R. Acton. J. Dudy. J.L. Chushman.

W.H. Staley, Carriage Maker

James Clowser, Wagon Manufacturer. Wagons made to order, and all Work guaranteed. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. South Main st.

James Self, "Rail Road Marble Works." Dealer in American and Scotch Granite, and Manufacturer of American and Italian Marble Monuments, Head Stones, and all kinds of Marble Cemetery Work. Main st. between the Rail Roads.


J. March, "Marble Works." Manufacturer and Dealer in American and Italian Marble, and Scotch Granite, Monuments, Tombstones, &c. West High, near the Rail Road Crossing.


J.B. Atchinson & Co., Wholesale and Retail Druggists and Apothecaries, Dealers in Paints, Oils, Glass, &c. Liberal Discounts on Large Sales.

A.H. Underwood, M.D., "Druggist Apothecary." Dealer in Paints, Oils and Glue, Brushes, Perfumery and Liquors of the best Quality for Medicinal Purposes. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at all hours, Toland Block, Main st.


McKinnon & Watts, Manufacturers and Dealers in Saddles and Harness, Trunks, Robes, Whips, &c. Main st.


J.M. Winchester, Dealer in Ready-made Clothing, and Gents' Furnishing Goods in every variety, Hats, Caps, &c. Main st.

Val. Bauer, Merchant Tailor and Delaer in Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, &c., Pifer House

Ronemus & Gardiner, Merchant Tailors and Dealers in Ready-made Clothing, also a large and carefully selected stock of fine Cloths and Cassimeres in Domestic and Imported fabric, such as Black Cloths, Plain and Fancy Cassimeres, Melton's Kerseys, Beavers and Scotch Goods, which we manufacture in the best and latest styles. All garmets warranted to fit. Also complete assortment of Gents' Furnishings Goods, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Valises, &c. &c., to which we invite the inspection of the public before purchasing eslewhere. No. 14 Main st.

D.T. Fox, Merchant Tailor and Delaer in Clothing, Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Hats, Caps, and Gent's Furnishing Goods, Trunks and Valises, &c. Main st.

S.J. Shryack, Merchant Tailor and Dealer in Gents' Furnishing Goods, Main st.

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